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· Wang Z, Li Z, Luan T, Cui G, Shu S, Liang Y, Zhang K, Xiao J, Yu W, Cui J, Li A#, Peng G# and FANG Y#. (2024) “A spatiotemporal molecular atlas of mouse spinal cord injury identifies a distinct astrocyte subpopulation and therapeutic potential of IGFBP2.” Developmental Cell, doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.06.016.

· Ruan K#, Bai G#FANG Y#, Li D#, Li T#, Liu X#, Lu B#, Lu Q#, Songyang Z#, Sun S#, Wang Z#, Zhang X#, Zhou W# and Zhang H#. (2024) “Biomolecular condensates and disease pathogenesis.” Science China Life Science, doi: 10.1007/s11427-024-2661-3.

· Wang C, Zhang K, Cai B, Haller JE, Carnazza KE, Hu J, Zhao C, Tian Z, Hu X, Hall D, Qiang J, Hou S, Liu Z, Gu J, Zhang Y, Seroogy KB, Burré J, FANG Y, Liu C, Brunger AT, Li D# and Diao J#. (2024) “VAMP2 chaperones α-synuclein in synaptic vesicle co-condensates.” Nature Cell Biology, doi: 10.1038/s41556-024-01456-1.


· Shu S, Jiang M, Deng X, Yue W, Cao X, Zhang K, Wang Z, He H, Cui J, Wang Q, Qu K and FANG Y. (2023) “Heterochromatic silencing of immune-related genes in glia is required for BBB integrity and normal lifespan in Drosophila.” Aging Cell, 22:e13947.

· Yue W, Zhang K, Jiang M, Long W, Cui J, Li Y, Zhang Y, Li A# and FANG Y#. (2023) “Deubiquitination of SARM1 by USP13 regulates SARM1 activation and axon degeneration”. Life Medicine, DOI: 10.1093/lifemedi/lnad040.

· Yue W, Tang CW and FANG Y. (2023) “PIKFYVE inhibition, a neuronal “emetic” for treating ALS?” Neuroscience Bulletin39(11):1738-1740.

· Yue W, Deng X, Wang Z, Jiang M, Hu R, Duan Y, Wang Q, Cui J and FANG Y. (2023) “Inhibition of the MEK/ERK pathway suppresses immune overactivation and mitigates TDP43 toxicity in a Drosophila model of ALS.” Immunity & Ageing, 20(1):27.

· Ni J, Ren Y, Su T, Zhou J, Fu C, Yi Lu, Li D, Zhao J, Li Y, Zhang Y, FANG Y, Liu N, Geng Y and Chen Y. (2023) “Loss of TDP-43 function underlies hippocampal and cortical synaptic deficits in TDP-43 proteinopathies.” Molecular Psychiatry, 28(2): 931-945.



· Deng X, Sun X, Yue W, Duan Y, Hu R, Zhang K, Ni J, Cui J, Wang Q, Chen Y, Li A and FANG Y. (2022) “CHMP2B regulates TDP-43 phosphorylation and cytotoxicity independent of autophagy via CK1.” Journal of Cell Biology, 221(1):e202103033.

· Hu R, Qian B, Li A and FANG Y. (2022) “Role of Proteostasis Regulation in the Turnover of Stress Granules.” Int J of Mol Sci, 23(23):14565.

· Li Y, Gu J, Wang C, Hu J, Zhang S, Liu C, Zhang S, FANG Y and Li D. (2022) “Hsp70 exhibits a liquid-liquid phase separation ability and chaperones condensed FUS against amyloid aggregation.” iScience. 25(6):104356.

· Huang C, Lu J, Ma X, Qiang J, Wang C, Liu C, FANG Y, Zhang Y, Jiang L, Li D and Zhang S. (2022) “The mouse nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase chaperones diverse pathological amyloid client proteins.” Journal of Biological Chemistry, 298(5):101912.



· Zhang K, Jiang M and FANG Y. (2021) “The drama of Wallerian degeneration: The cast, crew and script.” Annual Review of Genetics, 55:93-113.

· Gu J, Wang C, Hu R, Li Y, Zhang S, Sun Y, Wang Q, Li D, FANG Y and Liu C. (2021) “Hsp70 chaperones TDP-43 in dynamic, liquid-Like phase and prevents it from amyloid aggregation.” Cell Research, 31(9):1024-1027.

· Zhang K, Wang Q, Liang Y, Yan Y, Wang H, Cao X, Shan B, Zhang Y, Li A and FANG Y. (2021) “Quantitative proteomic analysis of mouse sciatic nerve reveals post-injury upregulation of ADPGK promoting macrophage phagocytosis.” Front Mol Neurosci14:777621

· Wang H, Zhang Y, Zeng K, Qiang J, Cao Y, Li Y, FANG Y, Zhang Y and Chen Y. (2021) “Selective mitochondrial protein labeling enabled by biocompatible photocatalytic reactions inside live cells.” JACS Au, 1(7):1066-1074.



· Wang C, Duan Y, Duan G, Wang Q, Zhang K, Deng X, Qian B, Gu J, Ma Z, Zhang S, Guo L, Liu C and FANG Y. (2020) “Stress induces dynamic, cytotoxicity-antagonizing TDP-43 nuclear bodies via paraspeckle lncRNA NEAT1-mediated liquid-liquid phase separation.” Molecular Cell, 79(3):443-458.e7. (Highlighted with commentary by Malik and Barmada in Molecular Cell).

· Gu J, Liu Z, Zhang S, Li Y, Xia W, Wang C, Xiang H, Liu Z, Tan L, FANG Y, Liu C and Li D. (2020) “Hsp40 proteins phase separate to chaperone the assembly and maintenance of membraneless organelles.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 117(49):31123-31133.

· Sun Y, Zhao K, Xia W, Feng G, Gu J, Ma Y, Gui X, Zhang X, FANG Y, Sun B, Wang R, Liu C and Li D. (2020) The nuclear localization sequence mediates hnRNPA1 amyloid fibril formation revealed by cryoEM structure. Nat Communications, 11(1):6349.

· Ma X, Zhu Y, Lu J, Xie J, Li C, Shin WS, Qiang J, Liu J, Dou S, Xiao Y, Wang C, Jia C, Long H, Yang J, FANG Y, Jiang L, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Zhai RG, Liu C and Li D. (2020) “Nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase uses its NAD(+) substrate-binding site to chaperone phosphorylated Tau.” Elife, 9. pii:e51859.



· Duan Y, Du A, Gu J, Duan G, Wang C, Gui X, Ma Z, Qian B, Deng X, Zhang K, Sun L, Tian K, Zhang Y, Jiang H, Liu C and FANG Y. (2019) “PARylation regulates stress granule dynamics, phase separation, and neurotoxicity of disease-related RNA-binding proteins.” Cell Research, 29(3):233-247.

· Wang H, Wang X, Zhang K, Wang Q, Cao X, Wang Z, Zhang S, Li A, Liu K and FANG Y. (2019) “Rapid depletion of ESCRT protein Vps4 underlies injury-induced autophagic impediment and Wallerian degeneration.” Science Advances, 5(2):eaav4971.

· Liu C and FANG Y. (2019) New insights of poly(ADP-ribosylation) in neurodegenerative diseases: a focus on protein phase separation and pathologic aggregation. Biochemical Pharmacology, 167:58-63.

· Yang L, Cao Y, Zhao J, FANG Y, Liu N and Zhang Y. (2019) “Multidimensional proteomics identifies declines in protein homeostasis and mitochondria as early signals for normal aging and age-associated disease in Drosophila”. Mol Cell Proteomics, 8(10):2078-2088.



· Sun X, Duan Y, Qin C, Li JC, Duan G, Deng X, Ni J, Cao X, Xiang K, Tian K, Chen CH, Li A and FANG Y. (2018) “Distinct multilevel misregulations of Parkin and PINK1 revealed in cell and animal models of TDP-43 proteinopathy.” Cell Death & Disease, 9(10):953.



· Cao X, Wang H, Wang Z, Wang Q, Zhang S, Deng Y and FANG Y. (2017) “In vivo imaging reveals mitophagy independence in the maintenance of axonal mitochondria during normal aging.” Aging Cell, 16(5):1180-1190.



· Cao X and FANG Y. (2015) “Transducing oxidative stress to death signals in neurons”. Journal of Cell Biology, 211(4):741-743.

· FANG Y and Boinini NM. (2015) “Hope on the fruit fly - The Drosophila wing paradigm of axon injury”. Neural Regeneration Research, 10(2):173-175.


2013 and earlier:

· FANG Y, Soares L and Bonini NM. (2013) Design and implementation of in vivo imaging of neural injury responses in the adult Drosophila wing. Nature Protocols, 8(4): 810-819.

· Garbe DS, FANG Y, Zheng X, Sowcik M, Anjum R, Gygi SP and Sehgal A. (2013) Cooperative interaction between phosphorylation sites on PERIOD maintains circadian period in Drosophila.” PLoS Genetics, 9(9): e1003749.

· FANG Y and Boinini NM. (2012) “Axon degeneration and regeneration: insights from Drosophila models of nerve injury.” Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, 28:575-597.

· FANG Y, Soares L, Teng X, Geary M and Bonini NM. (2012) “A novel Drosophila model of nerve injury reveals an essential role of Nmnat in maintaining zxonal integrity.” Current Biology, 22(7):590-595. (Highlighted with commentary by Wang and Barres in Current BiologyRecommended by Faculty of 1000Featured in ScienceDaily, etc.)

· FANG Y and Sehgal A. (2010) “Protein phosphatases and circadian clocks.” in the Handbook of Cell Signaling, 2nd Edition, eds. Bradshaw, R. A. & Dennis, E. A. Oxford:Academic Press, pp. 877-882.

· Wu Y, Bolduc FV, Bell K, Tully T, FANG Y, Sehgal A and Fischer JA. (2008) “A Drosophila model for Angelman syndrome.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 105(34):12399-12404.

· FANG Y, Sathyanarayanan S and Sehgal A. (2007) “Post-translational regulation of the Drosophila circadian clock requires protein phosphatase 1 (PP1).” Genes and Development, 21(12):1506-1518.

· Sehgal A, Joiner W, Crocker A, Koh K, Sathyanarayanan S, FANG Y, Wu M, Williams J and Zheng X. (2007) “Molecular analysis of sleep:wake cycles in Drosophila.” Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol, 72:557-564.

· Stein JM, Bergman W, FANG Y, Davison L, Brensinger C, Robinson MB, Hecht NB and Abel T. (2006) “Behavioral and neurochemical alterations in mice lacking the RNA-binding protein Translin.” Journal of Neuroscience, 26(8):2184-2196.

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